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On July 20th, 2023 the Manville Board of Director approved lifting the suspension of accepting applications for feasibility studies over 2 LUE’s effective August 1, 2023. A feasibility study will be conducted according to the newly adopted amended Tariff and consideration for approval could include provisions for water availability and capacity determined by the engineering study.

All developers that would like to apply must obtain the NEW feasibility study application and Guidelines for Development  from the development department, development@manvillewsc.org, that will be available after July 28th.

On June 15th, 2023 the Manville Board of Directors tabled action on the suspension of accepting applications for feasibility studies and water commitments to new developments in excess of two (2) LUEs. The suspension remains in effect and will be re-evaluated at the July meeting.

On April 13th,2023 the Manville Board of Directors extended the suspension of accepting applications for feasibility studies and water commitments to new developments in excess of two (2) LUEs. The suspension remains in effect while the committee continues negotiations for new source water and the 10-year Master plan is completed. The Board will re-evaluate the suspension at the June Board meeting.

   At the March 9, 2023 Board meeting the Manville Board of Directors tabled action on the suspension of accepting applications for feasibility studies and water commitments to new developments in excess of two (2) LUEs. The suspension remains in effect while new source water is being acquired and will be re-evaluated at the April meeting.
   On December 8, 2022 the Manville Board of Director, after receiving the independent source water audit summary, has extended the suspension of accepting  applications for feasibility studies and water commitments to new developments in excess of two (2) LUEs. 
   This suspension is pending source water availability and will be re-evaluated in three (3) months.
   On October 13, 2022, at the regular monthly board meeting of Manville Water Supply Corporation and  on advice of the engineering staff, the Board of Directors suspended the acceptance of applications for feasibility studies and water commitments to new developments pending the completion of an independent water audit now in progress, or the acquisition of additional water sources.  No applications for water service in excess of two (2) LUEs can be accepted or considered at this time.
     It is anticipated that the water audit will be completed as scheduled by the end of 2022.   Depending on the results of the audit and other factors impacting availability it may become necessary to extend the suspension.